Shop! Students Awards Contest 2021


Shop! 学生大奖赛2021



Please Note:


1. Please make sure your personal information is true and correct.


2. Your information cannot be saved unless you click submit button. We suggest you double check the information you have imputted before submit.


3. You cannot withdraw your entry after submitting. 


4. Entry submit deadline will be 23:59, July 31st, 2021, Chinese local time.


5. Please contact our operations manager for further assistance: +86 13450280029.






1. 请如实填写个人信息。


2. 问卷无法在线保存。建议提交前检查好内容是否无误,再提交。。


3. 每个IP只能提交一次且无法撤回


4. 参赛作品提交截止时间为2021年7月31日23点59分,敬请留意。


5. 若提交后有任何问题,请联系赛委会联系人罗小姐: +8613450280029。


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