Shop! 学生大奖赛联动公益讲座——改变始于设计思维和设计过程
Shop! Student Awards
Shop! Student Awards is an internationalcompetition in retail design for students. It aims to promote and encourage original design in commercial display.
2021年6月13日下午4点30分,Shop! 在南京金茂览秀城言几又书店举办了一场科普设计思维的讲座,是Shop!学生大奖比赛的联合活动,一些学生以及市民都有参加。本次公开讲座由WOW…NUT设计机构执行创意总监Yan Choi精彩开场。
Open Lecture Introduction:
The “Design Thinking” open lecture is an associated activity for Shop! Student Awards. Both students and the general public attended the open lecture held at the book shop “Yanjiyou” in Nanjing on 13 June 2021, which started at 16:30pm. The open lecture started with a great opening by Yan Choi the Executive Creative Director of WOW…NUT design agency.
在她演讲里,法国著名小说家马赛尔·布鲁斯特曾说过:“真正的发现之旅,不在于寻找新风景,而是拥有新眼光。”创新(改变)最重要的起点,就是突破原有思维的限制,从“看不到”到“看到”,其实也就是“寻找风口”和“造风者”的区别。很多人认为创造力是属于少数人的。但其实创造力是每个人与生具来都有创新的能力;创新并不是属于少数人,也不是教出来的,而是需要不断挖掘并释放出来的,那么就让我们一起探讨 怎样 — 改变,从设计开始!
IIn her speech, Marcel Brewster, a famous French novelist, once said: "The true journey of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes."The most important starting point of innovation (change) is to break through the limitations of original thinking, from "cannot see" to "see," in fact, is the difference between "looking for wind" and "wind maker." A lot of people think creativity belongs to the minority. But in fact, creativity is the ability of everyone and life to innovate; Innovation does not belong to a few people, nor is it taught, but needs to be constantly excavated and released, so let's discuss how to change, starting from design!
第二位分享嘉宾是诺卡罗创意机构创始人达蒙 · 弗兰克 · 吉安诺卡罗(Damon Frank Giannoccaro)先生。他分享的主题是设计思维的过程。他提到:
This was followed by the Design Thinking Process by the Founder and CCO of Giannoccaro Italian Design and Creative Agency, Damon Frank Giannoccaro. He mentioned:
To form your own unique design style, you should create your own design thinking process starting at the beginning. 1. Start with an Brief 2. Research 3. Evaluate, 4 Conceptualise, 5. Strategize, 6. Design, 7. Implement 8. Support and finally design in you our unique way. This was on show with the Design your own T-shirt interactive team session. The design thinking process is the embodiment of design thinking. Damon is also a strong advocate of sustainable design and always adheres to these principles in design education with his students around the world. Damon’s design tip to the teams was “keep in mind that only those who take risks usually stand out” Never be afraid to express yourself through sound design principles and creativity.
Shop !大中华永远跟随着年轻人的步伐!书店开放日讲座为参加的年轻设计师及同行提供了一次成功的学习机会。这是一种身临其境、亲力亲为的教学方法,同时也鼓励朋友和家人了解设计是如何工作的,以及我们作为一个社区在学习生态系统中所扮演的角色。
Call to Action
Shop Great China is always on the move with the youth! This kind of Open Day Lecture was a successful learning opportunity for the young designers and their peers who attended. It was an immersive and hands on approach to teaching while also encouraging friends and family on how design works as well as the role we all play in the eco-system of learning as a community from one another.
Our key focus is based on encouraging and stimulating the minds of young creatives all around China. Together with professional partners, Shop! Associations are strong on educating as well as creating new opportunities that recognise and reward young talent through the many programs the Shop runs each and every year. The youth are the masters of our future, To embrace them today will certainly secure our tomorrows!
特别鸣谢Special Thanks:
大赛主办方Awards Organizer:
战略合作伙伴Strategic Partner:
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资讯要闻: 《黑神话:悟空》正式上线,迅速登顶微博热搜榜首,相关话题频频上榜。
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